am i your photographer twin flame?

If you love cats, traveling the world, the TV show LOST, and chocolate in its many forms, then we might be twin flames. But even if none of those things apply to you, don't worry, we'll probably still get along just fine. I'm a portrait and wedding photographer, originally from Boston, but also living just north of Miami now. When I'm not in those two locations, I'm trying to live my Carmen Sandiego dream by exploring the rest of the globe one city at a time. My favorite spots so far have been Ireland, Czech Republic, Uruguay, and Iceland. If you ever need advice on how to pack just a carry-on for a two-week trip abroad in a cold-climate country, I can help with that. Death before checked baggage, amirite?

Although I received a B.S. in photojournalism from Boston University (along with a degree in marine science and archaeology), I was originally self-taught. I do love traveling to workshops and conferences, though, and learning from my peers in the industry. I think you can learn something from anyone and that creating a network and community is one of the most important aspects of growing as an artist.

So anyway, there are plenty of random, interesting and uninteresting facts about me that I could include here, but I like to keep an air of mystery about me.

JK I talk way too much and tell people things they didn't even ask for, so if that happens on a phone call with me in the future, I apologize in advance.

P.S. I also apologize in advance if one of my 8 cats' butts shows up on a Zoom call. It's bound to happen. And it's usually my troublemaker, Davina.


Cassie and Pete

“Over the years, Danielle has become my go-to photographer and one of my closest friends. If you're uncomfortable in front of the camera (like my husband) she has a way of guiding you during the shoot, cracking jokes to get some natural smiles, and catching candid moments throughout. Overall, Danielle brings a natural ease to each session and is a joy to work with.”

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